Great article. I agree with virtually everything except one — you border on extreme arrogance when you repeatedly announce you’re the only one smart enough to see this and call everyone out on it. While, yes, all of those with the actual power to do something have proven to be completely spineless and disgusting, there ARE many people, including some influential writers and thinkers, who are trying to do exactly what you’re doing. Just read former right wing hero Max Boot’s latest, The Corrosion of Conservatism: Why I Left The Right or Jeffrey Sachs’ A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism, Rachel Maddow’s Drift, Krystal Ball’s Reversing the Apocalypse: Hijacking the Democratic Party to Save the World, the new Andrew Seidel book, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, Seth Abramson’s Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America, Carol Anderson’s White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide and so many others out there. On one of your other articles, I think your most recent, which I read earlier today, I recommended four other excellent books which address, for the most part, this very issue. So, yes, while the politicians do nothing as Trump tries to become Stalin Jr, and as my bet is more people will be going to more concentration camps, there ARE good thinkers, writers, people in general, people with influence who share your views (mine as well) and who ARE writing and speaking out and trying to do whatever they can to wake American zombies up. My prediction? If there is any America left by this date, the US will have become a 3rd world country by no later than 2050. I mean, even before Trump took over, we had slipped from best education in the world to among the lowest in the 1st world, same with health care, health, obesity, knowledge, while China is investing TRILLIONS in R&D, we continue to cut R&D funding, and so on. Basically, we’ll be Nigeria by then. But apparently that’s what Republican/Evangelical leadership has been wanting for decades, so it seems they’ll get their wish — the uber-Christian conservative theocracy which is 1) completely unconstitutional and B) will no longer differentiate us from the Muslims we love to hate. Apparently, this is what the sheep wanted, so this is what we’re getting. Personally, if people will donate to help send me to New Zealand forever, I’d be most grateful. Cheers!