High quality article with excellent content and solid, useful tips. I especially appreciate the links to apps that help people find and support black businesses. Not only have my wife and I been contacting our local, state and federal representatives, but other people within our district and a number of other Congressional leaders I happen to know. Moreover, we've been actively urging people to buy from black owned businesses, but we didn't know about these apps you mention, so those should be helpful. I've moved around the country a lot over the course of my life, so we've been making lists of black owned businesses, by hand literally, in not only the larger cities I/we have lived, but smaller areas as well and we intend to distribute this information to as many people as possible. We've also donated to and recommended the Minnesota Freedom Fund to hundreds of people. BTW, I published a piece here today that you may find of possible interest. It discusses some examples in which I attempt to provide context on little-known historical American oppression of international minorities to show that this country's entire historical construct it built on racism and genocide (literally and culturally) of not only North American indigenous peoples and those of African heritage, but non-Caucasian peoples throughout the world, and this has been America's cursed heritage since before the country was officially founded, from the very beginning, and it's the rot within that I hope is finally collapsing to allow for the creation and growth of a new national narrative and reality which actually and honestly follow the ideas put forth by the Founding Fathers in which ALL people - literally - will be viewed and treated as equal and will be given equal opportunities across the board and we've prayed and fought for an end to all discrimination and while I never thought I would see that in my lifetime, or frankly if it were even plausibly realistic at any time in America's future, it certainly seems like now is the best and closest opportunity we've ever seen in American history to effect wholesale change for the betterment of society and everyone in general. I pray this opportunity will not slip away and I dread the possibility that it will. In any event, feel free to look at my piece or ignore it, and I'm sorry for the overly long comment, but I found your article inspirational and wanted to show you my reaction and say thanks, for what that may be worth. Cheers! - Scott