Umair, a depressingly superb piece on issues I've been trying to explain to people for over five years now & what you've described of the potential/probabe future is exactly the nightmare scenario I've been trying to throw at so many here in the US for five years, only to basically be ignored or scoffed at. I think a lot of people are more willing to listen now, sadly. You set the bar high, so when I say your piece is superb, that means very few others could do as well. I usually share your pieces on Twitter and/or LinkedIn. I probably will with this too. There are many of us who are fighting hard to ensure such a scenario doesn't occur, but like you said, I've been telling people not to get complacent because with him, NO LEAD IS TOO HIGH OR TOO SAFE because he doesn't play by the same rules, as you know. He's a street fighter, a survivor who doesn't distinguish or care about legal or illegal, fair or unfair, etc. The only thing that matters is winning and thus holding on to power. I've been having to give people history lessons. You talk about him wanting more than 2 terms? Absolutely. I knew that in 2016. Tell people that, they respond with something about a 2 term limit. They're surprised when I tell them some of of our "greatest" presidents had more than 2, as in FDR and when I further tell them how both Mussolini and Hitler wiggled their way into permanent control and try to show the similarities, well, some have been foolishly sceptical while others have been surprised. Either way, Americans have always been woefully naive and it doesn't help that they refuse to study history. I mean, hell, after SUPPORTING France's brutal efforts to recolonise Indochina and seeing them go down in flames, we immediately repeat the exact thing with the exact same mistakes as them? With the same result? We can't learn from mistakes? We can't learn from history? Americans aren't interested in history. It's always been looking toward the future, but I'm sure you'll agree we've stopped even that and have been looking only toward the Now. To our detriment. I agree with your timeframe, and fear that you're likely right. No matter the outcome, he'll find some way to contest it, overcome it, "fix" it or tell us to F*ck Off, He's refusing to hand over control. I'm actually starting to ponder the wisdom and plausibility of a military revolt in refusing to obey his illegal and insane commands, thus forcing him ultimately OUT, which is where the majority of senior military officers and intelligence officals want him, trust me. 150 days. Wish those of us who have cared and still care and are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure a Hitler wannabee is NOT in office after 150 days a lot of luck because it's a very steep slope to climb ahead of us... -- Scott